Hi there! I think I've been writing stories most of my life, but I started writing novels somewhere around ten years ago. It started out as a dream I had early one morning that begged to be written down, and the more I wrote, the more story unfolded. That manuscript has since been lost and will thankfully never see the light of day, but I'm very grateful to the powers that be for starting me on this road. I love to read romance. There's just something about reading a good love story. But writing them has become a passion of mine.
Personally...I live in the state of Washington, in the rainy great Northwest! It rains like 300 days a year here, but you know, I don't mind it. The rain suits me just fine. I've been married for going on 13 years now to a wonderful man, and we have two rambunctious boys.
I've just had my first book contracted, but I hope many more will follow.